新关注 > 信息聚合 > CFM职业选手SC.Kuben进军王者荣耀?要拜XQ阿泰为师


CFM pro SC. Kuben into king glory? To worship XQ artest for the teacher

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《王者荣耀》火到一个什么程度?有媒体统计,2016年第四季度,《王者荣耀》已经冲进了iOS收入榜第三位,DAU峰值达到8000万,月流水近30亿,并且在2017年也丝毫没有减速的态势,一路推土机似的爬坡!相比《穿越火线》手游的CFPL-M和《王者荣耀》的KPL,两款不同手游的顶级赛事正在同时进行,CFPL-M明显就被抢了风头。 这不,连CFM顶尖战队SC的队长Kuben也按捺不住了,在微博向《王者荣耀》XQ战队的全能王阿泰请教,准备进军《王者荣耀》圈?在《穿越火线》之余直播一发《王者荣耀》,似乎也是不错的选择。前有eStar战队的奶茶,从FPS的世界顶级冠军“转行”《王者荣耀》,现在K...

The king of glory to fire a what degree? Media statistics, in the fourth quarter of 2016, the king of glory has rushed into the iOS income list the third place, DAU peak reached 80 million, nearly 3 billion month running water, and in 2017 also didn't slow down, bulldozers like climbing all the way! Compared through the wire "mobile game CFPL - M and the king of glory KPL, two of the top matches are simultaneously, different mobile game CFPL -m was upstaged was obviously. It doesn't, even CFM the captain of the top teams SC Kuben irrepressible, to the king of glory in weibo XQ team all-around Wang Atai consult, ready to move into the king of glory? Live through the wire on the outside of one of the king of glory, too, seems to be a good choice. Before have eStar clan of milk tea, from FPS is one of the world's greatest champions "turned" the king of glory, now K...

标签: 王者荣耀 CF