新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成长中的QQ空间小游戏,就像H5游戏的“雄安新区”


Growth in the QQ space small game, like the H5 game "male Ann district"

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年4月19日,以“开放·成长”为主题的QQ空间H5游戏大会在深圳举办。面对众多H5游戏开发商,腾讯公司副总裁梁柱表示:“H5游戏市场仍然是一个亟待教育的巨大空白市场。但毫无疑问,腾讯所有的平台都在积极探索H5游戏的可能,都不愿意错过这样的机会。无论是微信、手机QQ、QQ空间、浏览器或管家类产品,这是一个不容忽视的增长点,平台需要与开发商紧密合作,一起探讨H5游戏的未来。” QQ空间H5游戏差异化定位:轻量 2016年到2017年,QQ空间H5游戏最大的变化就是从QQ空间独立APP同时上线到手机QQ里的动态中。从平台角度来说,用户进入手机QQ之后面临两个选择:在手机QQ里面下载精品...

On April 19, 2017, in order to "open" as the theme of the QQ space H5 game conference held in shenzhen. In the face of numerous H5 game developers, tencent company vice President of beam-column said: "the H5 game market is of great importance to education is still a huge market. But there is no doubt that all tencent platform in actively exploring the H5 game, do not want to miss the chance. Whether WeChat, mobile phone QQ, QQ space, the browser or housekeeping products, this is a growth that nots allow to ignore, platform need to work closely with the developers, to discuss the future of the H5 game." H5 game QQ space differentiation positioning: light weight from 2016 to 2017, QQ space H5 game the biggest change is independent from QQ space APP launches into the dynamic in the mobile phone QQ at the same time. From the perspective of platform, users face two choices after entering the mobile phone QQ: inside the mobile phone QQ download high-quality goods...

标签: 游戏 H5