新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《lyingman》S6E5看某狼人杀五阶玩家如何踢馆狼王


The lyingman S6E5 see a werewolf pavilion Wolf king, in order to kill the player how to play

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

lyingman第六季国际狼王争霸赛第二赛段排位赛第三期(积分淘汰赛)。本周第二期依旧周五(4月21日)晚20:00准时战旗直播。 由于上期已淘汰一名选手(KK),本期则迎来首位神秘踢馆嘉宾。(踢馆嘉宾:替补淘汰位,并拥有初始积分50分,直接进入排位赛争狼王)本次比赛全程一共将会出现三名踢馆嘉宾。我们的国际狼王争夺赛也将随着踢馆嘉宾的不断加入会越来越困难,会有幸运选手摸到站边高手的牌躺赢加分,当然也会有选手将与高手角色对立争锋对峙,无论是哪种情况选手们的心态都将备受挑战。 而本期踢馆嘉宾是来自狼人杀的某神秘五阶高手玩家,他来势汹汹势力不容小嘘,自认为是整个狼人杀界发言最好的玩家;...

Lyingman JiGuoJi Wolf king 6 champions in the second stage of the third qualifying period knockout (integral). The second stage is still this week on Friday on the evening of April 21) (20:00 dwelling on time. Due to the obsolete a player of the previous period (KK), this period saw the first mystery play house guest. (play house guests: substitute out, and have the initial 50 points, directly into the qualifying for the Wolf king) on this game there will be three total playing house guest. Our international Wolf king race will also play house guests as the continuously to join will be more and more difficult, there will be a lucky players touch to edge master card lie to win points, of course, there will be a player will be apparent opposites confrontation with superior characters, in either case the mindset of the players will be challenged. And this play house guest is from a werewolf, in order to kill a mysterious master players, he became strong enough force not small hiss, thought is the werewolf killed industry to speak of the best players; ...

标签: 玩家