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UP2017腾讯互娱发布会在京举行 马晓轶再谈成长守护平台

UP2017 tencent entertainment conference held in Beijing We can talk Ma Xiaoyi growth platform

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月20日,腾讯游戏成长守护平台亮相UP2017腾讯互动娱乐年度发布会。腾讯集团高级副总裁马晓轶在会上分享了腾讯游戏在2016年所取得的成绩和对全球游戏市场的思考,公布了“腾讯游戏成长守护平台”上线两个多月以来的成果,这也是马晓轶继今年2月发布《为了更美好的未来》公开信后第一次在公开场合谈到腾讯游戏成长守护平台。 (腾讯集团高级副总裁马晓轶介绍成长守护平台情况) 马晓轶表示,经过两个多月的运营与测试,成长守护平台已经积累了丰富的经验和数据成果,并通过版本迭代和功能创新不断优化体验。截至目前,成长守护平台接入超过200款产品,有效绑定帐号超过50万个,总计触达2000万位用户。本周,平...

On April 20, tencent games grow guardian platform UP2017 tencent interactive entertainment to the annual conference. Tencent group, senior vice President of Ma Xiaoyi sharing tencent games in 2016 at the meeting's achievements and thinking of the global gaming market, announced the "tencent games growing guardian platform" online more than two months, this is also Ma Xiaoyi the released in February this year "in order to better future" after the letter for the first time publicly discussing tencent game growth platform. (tencent group, senior vice President of Ma Xiaoyi introduces growth guardian platform) Ma Xiaoyi said, after more than two months of operation and test, growth guardian platform has accumulated rich experience and data, and through iteration of the edition and the function innovation constantly optimized experience. So far, grow to protect access to more than 200 product platform, effective binding account for more than 500000, a total of up to 20 million users. This week, ping...

标签: 腾讯