新关注 > 信息聚合 > 还能这么玩?小米6酷炫的3D说明书惊得人合不拢嘴


Also can play this? Millet 6 cool 3 d manual surprised from ear to ear

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

这两天,有关小米6发布会的三维展示刷爆了朋友圈,不少网友纷纷感慨,这什么手法这么潮,现在手机展示还带这么玩的? 将小米6平面图片转换为更加生动的三维文件,能展示360度全方位的广阔视野,纵然只是一个切面,也能对小米6的性能进行全面地真实再现,这就是3D展示的魅力,或者说,3D说明书的魅力。 在工具多功能化的未来,人们学习掌握工具需要更多的演示和模拟。随着技术的进一步丰富完善,越来越多的工具出现在我们的生活中,而与之脱离不开的便是——说明书。 产品说明书的作用,除了帮助和指导消费者正确地认识商品、使用和保养商品,同时还兼具宣传商品的作用。正因此特性,很多厂商和公司都会在各自产品的...

This two days, the three-dimensional display of millet 6 conference maxed out circle of friends, many netizens have regrets, so, what style, this mobile phone display with such a play now? Converts millet 6 plane image more vivid 3 d files, can show the 360 - degree wide field of vision, even if only a section, also can full performance of millet 6 realism, this is the charm of a 3 d display, or rather, the charm of the 3 d specification. The tool more functional in the future, people need more demonstration and simulation learning tools. As the technology further enrich and improve, more and more tools appear in our life, and with it on is - specification. The role of the product manual, in addition to help and guide the consumer right to know commodities, use and maintenance, also with the role of the advertising goods. Therefore features, many manufacturers and companies will be in their respective product...