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Fierce animal cruelty to break the seal "grave notes" tattoo big events

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《盗墓笔记》全新悬疑资料片“记忆纹身”今日上线。新资料片中将开放全新系统“家族纹身”,四方神灵前来助战,更有狂拽酷炫的纹身特效,大涨战力的同时让角色外形更有可看性。另有“记忆大师之起灵身世之谜”原创征文活动重磅袭来。 盗墓笔记家族四大纹身 上古四方神灵 纹身加持 继起灵麒麟纹身现世后,隐于世人的张家家族纹身也开始显露在盗墓界,伴有四方神灵-青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武的神秘力量,使得玩家技能激增伤害输出大涨,五行加成大大提高玩家属性,此外,外显的狂拽酷炫纹身,给玩家们带来一场新的视觉享受…… 盗墓笔记家族纹身 拾取记忆碎片 线索搜集 除了全新的系统开启之外,游戏中由黄渤携手玩家...

"Grave notes" new suspense the expansion memory "tattoo" online today. The new expansion will open new system "tattoo" family, four gods to assistant, more crazy drag cool tattoos effects, in force at the same time let character shape more sex. Otherwise "memory of master QiLing disturbing" original the campaign blockbuster hit. Family grave note four big tattoo Ancient four gods Tattoo blessing After QiLing kirin tattoo secular, hidden in the world of the changs family tattoos are beginning to show in the grave, with four gods - blue dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, xuanwu mysterious power, makes the player skill surge damage output soar, five lines of bonus to greatly improve the player attributes, in addition, explicit wild drag of cool tattoo, bring players a new visual enjoyment... Family grave note tattoo pick up memory fragments clues to collect in addition to the new system open, the game by Huang Bo players together...