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任天堂Switch《Arms》官方介绍曝光 少侠手下留情

Nintendo Switch "Arms" official exposure Shaoxia mercy

2017-03-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

任天堂 Switch 即将迎来一波好玩的游戏阵容,其中也包括受人瞩目的一对一 3D 格斗游戏《Arms》。今日任天堂在其 Youtube 上放出了两部《Arms》的最新视频,分别做了《Arms》的人物武器介绍以及入门打法介绍。在角色演示视频中,任天堂向我们展示了游戏中五个确定的角色:弹簧人,丝带女孩,忍者,木乃伊和机械师。 每个角色都有自己的特殊能力,即使战斗在有限的场地中进行,玩家也可以通过冲撞、跳跃、闪避等操作玩出很多种花样。 弹簧人能力均衡,可以使用震荡波弹开敌人的攻击,在血量变低时双拳会变为充能状态,提高攻击力; 丝带女孩能在空中进行多段跳,还可以快速落地进行反击; 忍者...

Nintendo Switch will soon usher in a wave of fun game lineup, which also includes the eye-catching "one to one" 3D fighting game "Arms". Today, Nintendo released its latest video of two "Arms" on its Youtube, featuring the introduction of characters, weapons, and introduction to Arms. In the demo video, Nintendo shows us five definite characters in the game: the spring man, the ribbon girl, the ninja, the mummy, and the mechanic. Each character has its own special abilities, and even if the battle is played in a limited venue, the player can play a variety of tricks through collisions, jumps, dodges, and so on. Spring capacity balance, can use shock waves bounce off the enemy's attack, the output is low with changes to state of charge, increase the attack; the ribbon girl can perform multi section jumping in the air, you can also quickly fall back; ninja...

标签: Switch 任天堂