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告别分屏 有了它PS4/Xbox可以本地联机

Say goodbye to the split screen With it the PS4 / Xbox can local online

2017-03-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

LUMI Split-box是一款游戏机配件,能够将原本分屏合作画面转换为全屏,输出至两台电视或显示器,本地游戏体验更出色。 玩过游戏机的朋友都知道“分屏游戏”是什么意思。比如我小时候玩的PS2游戏《真·三国无双2》,就是将电视画面上下一分为二,实现两个人合作游戏。 当然,在网游出现后,合作游戏的形态完全变了,大家远在千里也可以联机做任务下副本,现在更是发展到手游都能联网。 但是,如果好基友、小伙伴们来家里玩,也要背着另一台游戏机来联机吗?据说还真有这样的。 其实,还是有很多游戏支持本地分屏联机的,毕竟独乐乐不如众乐乐,永远不要忽视游戏机的本质属性,就是让人们围坐在电视旁图个...

LUMI Split - box is a console accessories, can will work originally Split screen images into full screen, output to two televisions or monitors, local gaming experience. Played video games friends know what is the meaning of "split screen". Such as PS2 game I played as a child the real three kingdoms matchless 2 ", is the television split in two from top to bottom, to achieve the two cooperative games. After the rise of online games, of course, cooperation the shape of the game changed completely, as you are in can do it online tasks under the copy, now it is developing to swim can be connected to the Internet. However, if the good gay friends, friends to come over to play, also want to carry a console to online? It is said that do have such. In fact, there are still many games to support local split screen, online after all alone le le than the lele, never ignore the essential attribute of game consoles, is to let people gather around the TV next to figure a...

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