新关注 > 信息聚合 > 以JOJO替身在战场上疯狂尬舞 《决斗节拍》玩出音游新套路

以JOJO替身在战场上疯狂尬舞 《决斗节拍》玩出音游新套路

To jo-jo double crazy full dance on the battlefield the duel beat playing a sound new routines

2017-03-22 17:31:27来源: 任玩堂

音乐游戏通常给人一种比较正经又具有一定华丽感的氛围,玩玩唯美/劲爆的音乐看看炫酷的背景特效算是这类游戏的特色。不过最近上线的这款 DuelBeats《决斗节拍》却有着和一般音游不太一样的地方,两个人在场上互殴的场景实在让人很在意这款音游究竟是怎么样玩啊。选上音乐开始游戏时,我就震惊了。虽然早已知道游戏的主题是“决斗”,玩起来的感觉肯定会和传统音游不太一样,不过实际上游戏的演出方式居然是召唤魔神在场上展开尬舞……当然游戏还是走传统下落型音游的形式,所以操作不会特别困难,只是这样的对决,不得不让人联想到《JOJO 的奇妙冒险》里面的替身战斗啊!本作的谱面轨道只有一条,玩家只...

Music game is often give a person a kind of more serious and has a certain sense of atmosphere, playing beautiful/explosive music watching cool background effects is a characteristic of this kind of game. But recently launched the DuelBeats "duel beat" has and the general tone is not the same place, two people on the court fistfight scenario really let a person very care about this kind of sound is how to play. Choose the music started the game, I was shocked. Although already know "duel" is the theme of the game, the feeling of play will certainly and traditional sounds are different, but in fact the game way was summoned fiend in field full dance & # 8230; The & # 8230; Games, of course, still go the traditional falling sound swim form, so the operation will not particularly difficult, only such, have to let a person associate to the wonderful adventures of jo-jo proxy fight! The spectrum of surface only one orbit, players only...