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解读阿里游戏峰会H5 1场发布会背后酝酿的大招

Behind the interpretation Ali Game Summit Conference of 1 brewing / H5

2017-03-14 12:35:41来源: 任玩堂

昨日(3月13日),在离2017阿里游戏战略发布会还剩3天之际,阿里游戏官方又放出H5预热视频和三张新海报,以“1场发布会,会有多少种想象”为主题。 1687年,因为一颗苹果,牛顿发现了万有引力定律,从此改变了人类对于世界的认知……当“苹果、蒸汽、脚印”这些与游戏行业看起来丝毫没有任何关系的元素出现在阿里游戏战略发布会的H5上之时,也就不难看出阿里游戏希望改变游戏行业格局的野心和决心。从无到有,再到高速增长,作为一个成立仅一年的公司,阿里游戏在2016年的表现足够亮眼:先是推出“T计划”, 在云服务等方面,为开发者全方位助力;后又借助由豌豆荚、PP助手、UC应用商店等阿里移动旗下平台成立的阿里...

Yesterday (March 13th), in 2017 games from Ali strategic conference 3 days left, Ali game official released H5 preheating video and three new posters, "1 conference, there will be many kind of imagination" as the theme. In 1687, because of an apple, Newton discovered the law of gravity and changed human cognition of the world...... When apple, steam, these footprints "and the game industry looks did not have any relationship elements appear in the Ali Game Strategy Conference of the H5 on, it is not difficult to see Ali game want to change game industry pattern of ambition and determination. From scratch, to rapid growth, as one of only one year of the establishment of the company's performance in 2016, Ali game brisk enough: first launched the "T plan" in the cloud services, as developers full power; and with ALI founded by pea pods, PP assistant, UC app store and Ali mobile under the platform...

标签: 游戏 H5