新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成都小伙玩直播平台游戏竞猜1年输掉380万


Chengdu guy playing live platform quiz 1 lose 3.8 million

2016-12-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

14日,望着沙发上那一摞厚厚的银行账单,21岁的成都小伙何晖(化名)眉头再次紧锁了起来。这上百张账单,记录下了他和表哥舒云(化名)的380万元从有到无的整个过程。 12月8日,成都小伙展示银行流水账单。他玩直播平台竞猜一年来,输掉了380万元。 去年底,何晖迷上“梦幻西游”的游戏直播,经主播推荐,开始押注竞猜装备属性。没想到,一开始尝到点甜头的何晖上了瘾,最后越输越多,最疯狂时,单注最高押到了五六万元,结果一分多钟就分文全无。 看到输了钱的表弟想不开,甚至动了轻生的念头,舒云很愤怒,他决定“卧底”在游戏中,挥金如土地刷礼物讨好主播,然后从主播口中套话,并偷偷录音,试图拆穿这个“...

14, looked at the sofa that a thick pile of bank bills, 21, chengdu guy He Hui (a pseudonym) brows locked up again. The hundreds of bills, recorded and his cousin shu-yun (a pseudonym) from 3.8 million yuan to the whole process of no. On December 8, chengdu guy show bank water bills. He play live platform quiz over the past year, lost 3.8 million yuan. At the end of last year, He Hui "fantasy westward journey" on the fans of the game live, nominated by the host, start betting on quizzes equipment properties. Unexpectedly, a began to taste some sweet He Hui addicted, finally to lose more and more, the most crazy, single note to 56, ten thousand yuan, highest result nothing nothing more than a minute. See lost money cousin took things too hard, and even moved the idea of suicide, shu-yun was very angry, he decided to "undercover" in the game, spend money like water to brush gifts to the host, and then from the host mouth rhetoric, and secretly recording, trying to debunk the "...

标签: 游戏 直播