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《以撒的结合:重生》再曝截图 年内即可踏上冒险之旅

The combination of the Isaac: reborn again exposed shots Years can go on adventure

2016-11-29 11:19:39来源: 任玩堂

此前任玩堂报道过 Roguelike 冒险游戏 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth《以撒的结合:重生》已通过苹果审核的消息,最近其主创确定该作将会在年内正式登陆 iOS 平台。从最近作者 Tyrone Rodriguez 公布的图片可以发现,这款经典游戏将会基本延续原作的元素和风格,并且可以在 iPhone 和 iPad 上同时进行游戏。而相对之前公布的游戏截图均是横版的游戏画面,最近公布的截图则曝光了该游戏在竖屏上的效果,与任天堂的街机 NDS 系列类似。在竖版屏幕上,该作的游戏画面将会分为上下两部分,上面显示游戏场景,其下则是地图、金币等相关信息。虽然玩家们之前对通...

Previously reported as play hall Roguelike adventure game The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth "Isaac: The combination of Rebirth" has passed The news of The apple approval, do certain recently its creators will be officially on iOS in years. Released from the recent author Tyrone Rodriguez images can be found that the classic game will continue the original basic elements and style, and can be game on the iPhone and the tablet at the same time. Screenshots are released before and relatively horizontal version of the game screen, screenshot released recently revealed the game in the effect of vertical screen, similar to the arcade NDS series and nintendo. In vertical version of the screen, the game screen will be divided into two parts, shown above game scenes, which is a map, gold and other relevant information. Although players to pass before...