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微软赢了!Xbox One玩家游戏时长超PS4玩家

Microsoft win! The Xbox One gameplay super PS4 players

2016-09-29 11:31:36来源: 搜狐

据外媒报道,微软Xbox One在跟索尼PS4竞争的时候,貌似总是处在下风。不过这次微软妥妥的赢了,Global Windex进行的调查显示,微软Xbox One玩家的游戏时长超过了PS4玩家。 XboxOne玩家游戏时长超PS4玩家(图片来自cnbeta) 调查结果显示,Xbox...

According to foreign media reports, Microsoft Xbox One when in competition with the PS4, seems to be always in. But this time no problem of Microsoft win, Global Windex survey, Microsoft Xbox game One player over the PS4 players. XboxOne gameplay super PS4 players (image from Moscow () results showed that the Xbox...