新关注 > 信息聚合 > PSVR即将面世 索尼将涉足VR影视领域

PSVR即将面世 索尼将涉足VR影视领域

PSVR is going to be in the field of SONY's VR film and television field

2016-09-22 20:23:36来源: 17173

索尼影业最近和Madison Wells Media的Reality One达成合作,准备在索尼独有的的影视作品基础上开发、制作和投资一系列VR内容。 据了解,Reality One是由Gigi Pritzker和Clint Kiske在2015年创立的,他们之前和《钢铁侠》的导演乔恩...

SONY pictures has recently worked with Madison Wells Media Reality One to prepare, develop and produce a series of VR content on the basis of SONY's unique film and television works. It is understood that Reality One was founded in 2015 by Gigi Pritzker and Clint Kiske, and before they were directed by Jon, the director of "Iron Man"...

标签: 索尼 VR PS