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Classic legend online "new heaven tablet" new facelift

2016-09-22 20:58:28来源: 17173

随着玩家属性的快速成长,游戏将于10月底-11月初进行第一次大的版本更新,开放仙人版本。 仙人无视职业相克,普攻有20%概率暴击。拥有绚丽的仙人外形。 增加仙人对应系列任务,增加仙人阶段武功,开放对应新地图。 (点此看大图) 新加入炼磨(武器研磨,10级研磨等级,可以增加武器暴击...

With the rapid growth of the player attributes, the game will take place at the end of October to early November for the first time big version updates, open fairy version. Fairy ignore professional phase grams, general strike has a 20% probability that crit. Have a beautiful fairy. Increasing corresponding series of tasks, fairy fairy stage fighting skill, open the corresponding new map. (click here to see a larger image new refining mill (grinding, 10 levels of grinding, weapon to increase crit...

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