新关注 > 信息聚合 > 共绘仙侠!《古剑OL》仙侠场景绘画大赛今日开启


Total draw XianXia! The DLC OL XianXia scene painting contest today

2016-08-13 08:52:12来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 由网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙研发,欢聚时代与网元圣唐联合运营的《古剑奇谭网络版》将在8月18日正式开启破晓封测,官方发码活动已全面开启,玩家们可通过在官网填写问卷,参与微博、微信、论坛活动等方式申请激活码。参与过前期所有批次测试的老玩家都将可以在官网延续测试资格。 今日,古剑OL...

Sina game - by saint candle dragon tang's Shanghai research and development, the network elements together time with net yuan SAN tang joint operation of the DLC and tan online "will officially open on August 18, seal test, dawn official sending activity is in full open, players can through the website to fill in the questionnaire, to participate in the activities of weibo, micro letter, BBS etc way to apply for the activation code. Involved in the early all batch tests of old players will be able to test qualifications at website. Today, the DLC OL...