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《怪物猎人OL》七夕特别狩猎场周末限时开放 赢专..

"Monster hunter OL" Chinese valentine's day special hunting grounds weekend time open win designed..

2016-08-13 08:46:49来源: 新浪

《怪物猎人OL》七夕祈愿祭正在火热进行之中,而在这个周末,七夕特别狩猎场“悸动!七夕的密会”也将限时开放!参与狩猎,不仅可以赢得专属的特别称号,更是能获得七夕祈愿祭的特殊道具“翎羽”。 七夕特别狩猎场开放时间:8月13日——14日 在七夕特别狩猎场“悸动!七夕的密会”中,猎人们将面...

The monster hunter OL the Tanabata wish offering was underway, and at the end of the week, Chinese valentine's day special hunting grounds "throb! The Tanabata meeting" will be open time limit! Participate in hunting, can not only win exclusive special title, but also can obtain the Tanabata wish offering special props "feathers". Chinese valentine's day special hunting grounds opening time: August 13-14 In the Chinese valentine's day special hunting grounds "throb! The Tanabata meeting", the hunters will face...

标签: 怪物猎人