新关注 > 信息聚合 > 致敬中国射击《全球使命2》每日好礼送不停


Pay tribute to China's shooting "global mission 2" daily gifts to send

2016-08-13 11:50:33来源: 多玩游戏

在里约奥运会的赛场上,中国射击队大放异彩,截至目前在射击项目奖牌榜上高居所有国家前列。为致敬中国射击,也为了玩家们在看奥运之余还能享受到游戏带来的欢乐,《全球使命2》每日任务奖励全面升级,多重好礼天天领!还等什么,赶紧去看看吧! 中国射击队之所以能在规则大变的情况下还可以有上佳的表现...

In Rio DE janeiro Olympic Games in the competition, the Chinese shooting team, so far in shooting project medal table high on all countries. To pay tribute to China's shooting, also for players in the Olympics can enjoy to bring the joy of the game, "global mission 2" daily quest reward comprehensive upgrade, multiple gifts brought every day! What are we waiting for? Go and have a look! Can Chinese shooting team in the rule of changed circumstances can also have good performance...