新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩《守望先锋》玩家用外挂直播 中途直接被永久封号

韩《守望先锋》玩家用外挂直播 中途直接被永久封号

Korea "watchman pioneer" players use plugins live midway directly by permanent titles

2016-08-13 08:46:49来源: 新浪


Even if blizzard warnings to cheat in the "watchman pioneer" punishment will be very sad ending, accidentally will permanently titles, and the recent blizzard again and again to sealing a large number of external users, but there are still many players use cheating program, in fast against or competitive mode seriously affected the experience of other players. And more recent direct webcast player to use a plugin for competitive pattern, but on the way, was the official titles at once. (shadow...