新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德国版The Void:室外VR领先家用VR行业十年

德国版The Void:室外VR领先家用VR行业十年

The German version Void: outdoor VR leading domestic VR industry ten years

2016-08-13 08:25:26来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 The Void提供的体验,是一种所谓“现实映射”的体验,和普通的VR、AR都不太相同,那是一种真实环境和虚拟现实完美的水乳交融。 如果你问我哪种VR体验给我的印象最深,那我肯定会回答“The Void”。 是的,The Void提供的体验,是一种所谓“...

17173 news leads The Void of experience, is a so-called "reality mapping" experience, and ordinary VR, AR are not The same, that is a real world and virtual reality perfect mix. If you ask me what kind of VR experience impressed me, that I would answer "The Void". Yes, The Void of experience, is a so-called "...

标签: VR