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男子沉迷游戏赴韩报复开发商 酒后驾车撞大楼

Man with game developers to revenge Drinking and driving into the building

2016-07-25 12:00:59来源: 新浪

24日,一名中国男性游客在首尔酒后驾车,撞入NEXON大楼一层,所幸周末休息,并没有造成人员伤亡。 据悉,这名肇事者姓李,30余岁,以短期旅游签证的形式进入韩国。被拘留后该男子交代,由于沉迷于NEXON的游戏无法自拔,一气之下酒后驾车犯下了大错。不过NEXON方面表示,该男子并没有N...

24, a Chinese male visitors drunk driving in Seoul, crashed into a layer of NEXON building, but the weekend rest, and caused no casualties. It is reported that the perpetrators surnamed li, more than 30 years old, in the form of short-term tourist visa into South Korea. The man after he was detained confessed, because NEXON games addiction cannot extricate oneself, aggravated dui had made a big mistake. But NEXON has said, the man didn't N...

标签: 游戏