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《劲舞团3》斗舞活动预告 超值奖励拿不停

", 3 "forecast value of dance fighting reward with constantly

2016-07-06 09:49:17来源: 天极网

《劲舞团3》全新资料片盛夏上线,暑假在线狂欢,天天有奖领不停;家族福利满满,族长、族员一起嗨。更有引燃的夏日的斗舞活动整装待发,擂台再起,舞林高手又相聚,各方角逐成就神话。除了劲爽的比拼外,活动中还有超值奖品等你来拿。“跳舞即战斗”,你做好战斗准备了吗! 在火热的太阳也压制不住自己内...

", 3 "the new expansion of summer online, online summer carnival, prize led constantly every day; Family welfare, full, heads of families, the family member with hi. More summer dance fighting, ignition shrink-wrapped and challenge again, names together again, all parties for achievement myth. In addition to jin shuang compete, activities and special prizes waiting for you to get it. "Dance battle", have you got ready for battle! In the hot sun is also unable to suppress his...