新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄大乱斗H5游戏《群p英雄》今日上线


Hero ported H5 game "group of p hero online today

2016-06-30 19:47:14来源: 4399

《群P英雄》是一款动作卡牌H5手游,玩家可以收集到Q版英雄,通过装备合成、技能升级、英雄升星提升战队战斗力。游戏中玩家扮演一名佣兵队长,带领拥有各种能力的伙伴击杀怪物。与其它玩家同场竞技,通过收集和战斗合成出各种强大的道具,体验虚拟世界中的英雄生活。 游戏开始方法: 打开手机浏览器或...

P the hero is a H5 brand card mobile game, players can collect Q version of the hero, through the synthesis, skills upgrading, hero star equipment to promote team effectiveness. Play a game, the player a mercenary captain, led partners with a variety of skills to kill the monster. With other players to compete, by collecting and synthesis of a variety of powerful combat props, experience the hero life in the virtual world. The game start method: open the mobile browser or...

标签: 游戏 H5