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亿万玩家倾情备战天涯 天刀今日公测八荒聚首

For hundreds of millions of game player DEDECATES Tianya day knife today beta eight together

2016-07-01 10:28:35来源: 新浪

“天涯明月刀”从初诞生那刻,惊艳江湖,一身承系万千宠爱与希冀;到数次测试,品质级级飞跃,打造出自研游戏精品模板;再到IP矩阵精心布局,鼓励全民创作,打造出充满活力、熠熠生辉的同好圈,让经典故事焕发出时代新生——在2016年7月1日的今天,《天涯明月刀》开启公测。 百万Q币谢玩家,上亿好...

"Horizon moon knife" from the beginning of the birth of the moment, stunning arena, a bearing system of thousands of pet and hope; to test several times, the quality level of leap from research to create boutique game template; IP matrix to elaborate layout, to encourage the people to create a vibrant, creative, sparkling enthusiasts circle, let the classic story the glow of new era, today in July 1, 2016, "Horizon moon knife" open beta. Millions of millions of good Xie Q money game player...

标签: 玩家