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《泰坦陨落2》E3现场试玩感想 更加爽快和暴力

Titan fall 2 E3 live demo feeling more readily, and violence

2016-06-13 16:46:47来源: 新浪

《泰坦陨落2》在今天的EA发布会上作为开场作品亮相,这款初作曾是XboxOne和PC的独占游戏,如今续作宣布全平台登陆。在E3期间的EA Play专场上,外媒体验到了全新的多人模式,来看看他们的试玩感想。 E3现场提供的试玩版本中,玩家需要对抗电脑AI防守据点,泰坦会定期的刷新在地图...

"Titan fall 2" in today's EA conference debut as the opening works, at the beginning of this paragraph was XboxOne and PC game of monopoly, today announced a sequel the landing platform. During the E3 EA special Play on, outside the media test by new multiplayer mode, to look at their demo. E3 demo version at the scene, the player needs to combat AI defense positions, the Titan regularly refresh the map...

标签: 泰坦陨落