新关注 > 信息聚合 > 太空探索游戏《无人深空》或将延期发售


Space exploration game "no deep space" or postponed

2016-05-26 11:53:38来源: 新浪

根据外媒Kotaku从知情人士那里收到的消息,太空探索大作《无人深空》将会延期发售。游戏的新发售日目前还没有确定,很有可能会跳票到7月或8月。 《无人深空》由一个规模较小的英国团队Hello Games开发,从2013年最初公布时,就因为奇异的星球景色和自由探索的感觉而引起了不小的轰...

According to foreign media Kotaku from people familiar with the received message, space exploration work "no deep space" will be put off. Game of the new launch is not yet certain, is likely to jump ticket until July or August. "There is no deep space" by a smaller British team Hello Games development, first published in 2013, because strange planet scenery and the feeling of freedom to explore and caused quite a bomb...

标签: 游戏