新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩麻将获飞升 《武圣》装备系统再爆新玩法

玩麻将获飞升 《武圣》装备系统再爆新玩法

Play mahjong was soaring "guanyu" equipment system to the new play

2016-05-15 08:08:00来源: 天极网

武有武圣,赌有赌圣,麻将博弈易上手、组合多、充满游戏乐趣而成为经典游戏,奇幻武侠《武圣》五月首次更新,装备系统再爆新玩法,麻将刻铭增加装备新属性,更有各种组合可激活不同加成属性,且来看看都有哪些玩法吧。 《武圣》官方网站:http://www.iwanws.com 《武圣》官方论...

Wu Youwu st, gambling has first, mahjong game accessible, combination, full of fun games and become more classic games, fantasy martial arts "guanyu" may update for the first time, and equipment system and new gameplay, mahjong engraved inscription add equipment properties, more various combinations can activate different bonus properties, and to see what are the game. "Guanyu" official web site: http://www.iwanws.com "guanyu" official theory...