新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在这总能找到你眼熟的角色《无尽的纷争》


In this will always find you familiar role "endless disputes"

2016-05-15 00:41:26来源: 17173

《无尽的纷争》是HaoRan Yin公司开发的一款卡牌策略类手游。融合了策略战斗和角色扮演等多种游戏玩法体系的卡牌类手游,下面就由弓兵带你来看看这款游戏吧。 试玩印象: 画面——略带狂野的画风,野兽派? 玩法——千篇一律的卡牌玩法结合少量的微创新 音乐——毫无特色的背景音乐...

The endless dispute is HaoRan Yin company development strategy of a card type of hand travel. Fusion in the battle strategy and role playing and other gameplay system card class tour, hand below by take you to see the game though. Impressions: the picture - slightly wild style, beast pie? Play card game - the same combination of a small amount of micro innovation music -- featureless background music...