新关注 > 信息聚合 > 好一个"寻爹"不"坑爹"的《醉逍遥》


A good "find Daddy" not "pit Daddy" "drunk and unfettered"

2016-05-15 08:59:23来源: 天极网

“我爸是李刚”的时代已经远去,但是要混出一定地位,还是得拼爹。在游戏行业里,拼爹不靠谱,人品不够好,照样到处都“坑爹”,作为绿岸一款老IP传统网游,如何在产品改革的大旗帜下,走出一条顺风顺水的路,满足玩家的“小确幸”才是王道。拼爹、坑爹,不如《醉逍遥》“寻爹”! 在快节奏的互联网时代...

"My father is Li Gang" time has gone, but to mix a certain position, or have to spell daddy. In game industry, competition of family background is not reliable, the character is not good enough, so everywhere "cheating", as an old green bank IP the traditional online games, how to reform the products under the banner, out of a smooth road, meet the game player small indeed fortunate is the kingly way. Daddy and pits are not as good as "drunk" and "find Daddy"! In the fast pace of the Internet age...