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魔兽7.0更新:沃金重伤不治身亡 希女王上位

Warcraft 7.0 update: woking seriously injured died When the queen superior

2016-05-06 18:50:27来源: 17173

《魔兽世界》7.0测试服今天更新后,沃金死亡的消息终于得到证实。在破碎群岛一役后,沃金因重伤不治身亡。希尔瓦娜斯女王接任酋长之位。 部落登录破碎海岸,在沃金和萨尔的指挥下,和联盟兵分两路进攻萨格拉斯之墓。在萨格拉斯之墓前,目睹瓦王被恶魔杀害,弗丁被杀,沃金也身受重伤。回到奥格瑞玛后,...

World of warcraft 7.0 test suit today after the update, woking finally confirmed the news of the death. After the battle in the broken isles, woking for GBH died. Ms silva, the queen took over as chief. Tribal on broken coast, under the command of WoJinHe thrall, and a two-pronged attack of union soldiers the tomb of sargeras. In front of the tomb of sargeras, saw the king, killed by the devil, who was killed, woking also seriously injured. Back to the grid rema,...