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《星际战甲》国服PS4超能英雄大盘点 穿梭宇宙的..

The interstellar armor dress PS4 heros large inventory Through the universe..

2016-05-03 15:40:54来源: 电玩巴士

《星际战甲》主机版是由世界级老牌主机开发工作室Digital Extremes倾力打造,完美世界代理的超人气科幻TPS大作,在游戏中玩家扮演的是一位位身着酷炫战甲,装备各种高科技武器并拥有上天入地之能的天诺战士进行游戏。玩家可以使用远程射击、近身搏斗、滑行劈砍、飞天瞄准以及飞檐走壁等各式...

Host edition of the "star armor is developed by world-class old host studio Digital Extremes to build, perfect world acting wildly popular science fiction TPS, the players in the game are dressed in the cool armour, equipped with all kinds of high-tech weapons and has just playing warrior's day. Players can use the slide distance shooting, melee combat, chopping, flying target and climbing and so on all kinds of...

标签: PS4 星际战甲 PS