新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛尔号魔域晶尘怎么得 有什么用

赛尔号魔域晶尘怎么得 有什么用

(what's the use of moyu crystal dust how much

2016-04-15 15:59:03来源: 4399

问:赛尔号魔域晶尘怎么得?赛尔号魔域晶尘有什么用? 答:赛尔号魔域晶尘是活动【奇袭魔域古道 赛尔号坤格等你解救】中的道具。进入到活动场景中,通过打败敌人和解救被困精灵来获得该道具。 使用该道具可以在本次活动参与抽奖。消耗一定数量的道具,可以屏蔽自己不需要的奖励,留下需要的奖励进行抽取。

Q: (to moyu crystal dust? What's the use of moyu crystal dust cernet number? A: (moyu crystal dust is activities [surprise moyu road Cernet number of waiting for you to rescue 】 the props. Into the activities in the scene by defeat an enemy and elves trapped for the props. Use the props can be in this activity to participate in lucky draw. Consumption of a certain number of props, can block rewards, you don't need to reward for extraction.