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《全境封锁》可变身刺客? 多套主题游戏服饰曝光

"Whole blockade" can turn assassin? Multiple sets of theme clothing exposure

2016-04-15 13:20:12来源: 新浪

你能在《全境封锁》里扮演刺客信条,分裂细胞还有看门狗?Reddit论坛玩家Wooleyful晒出了几张《全境封锁》的截图,表示游戏更新了1.1补丁后这几套衣服就出现在了他的物品栏里。 从曝光的截图上来看,育碧似乎为游戏加入了《刺客信条》Ezio刺客服,《分裂细胞》特工眼镜,还有《看门狗...

Can you play Assassin's creed, splinter cell and watchdog in the whole blockade? Reddit forum player Wooleyful drying out a few "throughout the blockade" screenshot, said the game updated 1.1 patches, these clothes appeared in his items column. Screenshot from the exposure point of view, it seems Ubisoft joined the game "Assassin's Creed" Ezio Assassin "Splinter Cell agents" clothes, glasses, and "watchdog...

标签: 游戏