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由《黑暗之魂》而生 一段催人泪下的真实友情

Born of the dark soul A true friendship SOB

2016-04-15 15:03:10来源: 新浪

提到《黑暗之魂》系列,最先让人想起的永远是让人抓狂的难度。今天我们要说的不是这个游戏有多虐,而是想给你讲一个故事。这是关于两个《黑暗之魂》玩家之间的故事,来自Reddit玩家TartarusRex0707_(下文以T代称)的分享。而他刚刚失去了因为《黑暗之魂》而结识的最好的朋友。 “...

Mention the series of "the soul of darkness", the first to let a person remember forever is the difficulty of the maddening. Today we want to say is not the game have much abuse, but want to tell you a story. It's about two story between the dark spirit of players, players from Reddit TartarusRex0707_ (T) below to share. And he had just lost because the dark soul and make the best friends. "...