新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兽人必须死美服3月底公测 国服将有大动作

兽人必须死美服3月底公测 国服将有大动作

The orcs must die attire at the end of march public beta The clothes will have big action

2016-03-24 09:48:41来源: 17173

今日,《兽人必须死》美国运营团队公布美服公测时间,将在北京时间3月30日开启公测。与此同时,国服官方团队也回应称,近期国服也将有大动作到来。 由Robot Entertainment在单机版OMD基础上研发的网游《兽人必须死》延续了单机版的经典策略塔防动作体验,更创新性加入对战元素。...

Today, "the orcs must die" operations team announced the demo time in the United States, will be in Beijing time on March 30, open beta. At the same time, the official team also responded that the clothes will have big action coming soon. By Robot Entertainment in stand-alone OMD based on research and development of online games "orcs must die" continues the stand-alone version of the classic strategy tower action experience, more innovative against the elements. ...