新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本游戏玩家总数达4336万 手游玩家最多

日本游戏玩家总数达4336万 手游玩家最多

The Japanese game players most total hand play 43.36 million

2016-03-24 09:53:50来源: 07073游戏网

近日消息,日本CESA协会(日本电脑娱乐协会)发行了一本名为《2016CESA一般生活者调查报告书:日本游戏玩家与非玩家调查》的杂志。日本总玩家人口数达4336万,其中手机游戏玩家最多达3099万。 此次的调查从2015年开始,面向住在日本本土的3岁~79岁的一般生活者进行访问。总共...

News recently, Japan CESA association (Japan) computer entertainment association released a book called "2016 CESA general life investigation report: Japanese game players and the players to survey the magazine. Japan's total population of 43.36 million, including mobile phone game players up to 30.99 million. The survey began in 2015, lived in Japan oriented general life of 3 years old to 79 years for a visit. A total of...

标签: 玩家 手游 游戏