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难度再升级 挑战神仙与妖怪副本英雄模式

Upgrade difficult challenges gods and monsters copy Heroic

2016-01-01 08:05:57来源: 天极网

《神仙与妖怪》新服“千山暮雪”已开启数日,彼时初入妖魔世界的仙友如今已成为叱咤风云、称霸一方的王者!精通诸般武器,熟稔各类招式,身经百战,无往不利!但巅峰之路岂是那么容易抵达?如今神妖副本启动“英雄模式”,鞭策大家走向更高、更强大的位置! 【地狱磨练 铸就强者辉煌】 以吾本性,快...

"Gods and monsters" new service "a thousand mountains twilight snow" is turned on for several days, wound up entering the demon fairy world has become all-powerful, dominate the party king! Proficient in all sorts of weapons, familiar with all types of moves, veteran , almost always! How can it be but the pinnacle of road so easily accessible? Now copy the demon god start "Hero Mode", spur us to a higher, more powerful position! [Hell] to hone my brilliant cast strong nature, fast ...