新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首届沃游戏玩家最爱年度十大游戏评选盛典正式开启


The first wal game player favorite ten game selection ceremony officially opened

2015-12-28 11:30:50来源: 中国信息产业网


2015 will soon be over, unknowingly is a year of "double once the advent, in the past a year Waugh technology and everyone shared experiences the vicissitudes of the circle game witness many excellent mobile games become a part of everyone's daily life, at the same time, numerous small Wo users see cards with the rapid development of small fertile game. The rise of mobile games for this year's game industry is full of vitality, at the end of the year, the first Wo game of the year ten game selection ceremony officially opened.

标签: 游戏 玩家