新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏生态年会盛大召开 雷军强调依靠生态抱团打天下

游戏生态年会盛大召开 雷军强调依靠生态抱团打天下

The game will be held a grand annual ecological Lei stressed that ecological hold together to conquer the world

2015-12-28 12:10:54来源: 新浪


The 400 game industry collective "wandering influential man Tianya", "Hainan" has finally lifted the veil of reality. December 27th, much of the game industry's attention, millet mutual entertainment, Jinshan cloud 2015 games ecological annual conference will be held. Hainan provincial government leadership, millet technology founder, chairman, CEO and Kingsoft chairman Lei Jun, general manager of millet mutual entertainment Shang Jin, Wang Yulin, President of Jinshan cloud with dozens of top gaming company CEO issued a band...

标签: 游戏