新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百年老店的新生与曲折 2015年的任天堂亮点与槽点..

百年老店的新生与曲折 2015年的任天堂亮点与槽点..

Of the one hundred - year - old and new twists and turns at nintendo window and slots, 2015..

2015-12-28 10:58:44来源: 游久网


[introduction] if we carefully review the past nintendo will find, she's trajectory in fact is a combination of a series of decisions, including vision and myopia errors. In 2015, nintendo on the one hand, give us the bad check on research and development of mobile applications, on the one hand, with the classic game database and the new host platform let us pleasantly surprised. We can see the dark horse "injection" is a beautiful girl was born, can also hear the...

标签: 任天堂