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梦幻西游无双3.2公测 回合制变ARPG会好玩吗?

Fantasy westward journey one like 3.2 beta turn-based will become ARPG fun?

2015-12-28 11:25:59来源: 17173

12月26日,梦幻IP下首款ARPG手游《梦幻西游无双版》于梦幻西游嘉年华现场正式发布。游戏背景剧情与梦幻端游一致,并继承抓鬼等端游玩法,画面风格上则更加Q萌。游戏iOS版将于2016年2月25日上线,3月2日全平台公测。 “梦幻西游”从回合制转变为即时制战斗会有哪些变化?17173...

On December 26, dreamy IP under the first ARPG mobile game "fantasy westward journey unique version of the" officially released in fantasy westward journey carnival scene. Background story end with dream to swim, and inherit the catch ghost end play method, such as image style is more Q sprout. IOS game version will be online on February 25, 2016, March 2 platform open beta. "Fantasy westward journey", a shift from turn-based fight for real-time system can have what change? 17173...

标签: 梦幻西游