新关注 > 信息聚合 > 年末开测汇总12月28-12月31


Late opening test summary December 28- December 31

2015-12-28 10:53:11来源: 多玩游戏

12月28日星期一 《弑沙》限量封测 2003年热血传奇风迷一时,玩家不分昼夜、热火朝天。为追溯传奇页游伊始的辉煌,《弑沙》应运而生。 《弑沙》是一款2.5D大型的多人在线的ARPG即时战斗类网页游戏。它致力于还原2003年传奇页游的辉煌,让玩家慢慢追忆复古式传奇,穿越到2003...

Monday, December 28, "Murder sand" limited beta 2003 Mir wind fans the moment, the players day and night, in full swing. Retroactive to the beginning of the glorious legend page tour, "killing sand" came into being. "Murder sand" is a 2.5D massively multiplayer online real-time combat ARPG web games. It is committed to restore the legendary 2003 tour page glory, allowing the player to slowly recall the legendary retro style, through to 2003 ...