新关注 > 信息聚合 > 漫展独领风骚!《雏蜂-尖兵少女》正版手游今日首..


The man show style! "Young girl" - bee. Today the first genuine Mobile Games.

2015-12-28 11:25:59来源: 不凡游戏网

昨日小雪初晴,银装素裹的北京国家会议中心迎来了第十六届囧囧有神动漫盛典。 由国产人气动漫《雏蜂》官方IP授权的正版手游《雏蜂-尖兵少女》,带着3位楚楚动人的美丽官方coser隆重出席了本次的动漫盛会! 作为《雏蜂》的忠实粉丝,小编自然不会错过如此隆重的二次元盛会,冒着严寒的重重考验赶...

Yesterday the snow in summer, the National Conference Center of Beijing snow ushered in the sixteenth session of the animation festival has embarrassed embarrassed god. Authorized by the domestic popular cartoon "brood" official IP hand tour of the genuine the brood - Pioneer girl ", with three lovely beautiful official Coser grand attended the animation event! As a "young bee," the loyal fans, small series will not miss such a grand grand grand event of the two, to take the cold test drive...

标签: 手游