新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本暴露游戏被西方国家要求删减内容,或将不再..


Japan requested the deletion of the content of games are exposed Western countries, or will no longer ..

2015-12-09 18:39:23来源: 4399

前段时间日本限制级游戏《死或生:沙滩排球3(Dead or Alive Xtreme 3)》进入西方国家前被要求和谐游戏内容的消息在网上引起热议,原因是被指过份暴露女性角色,对女性来说是一种不尊重的行为,甚至联合国也出面进行了“批评”,尽管作为玩家来说这都不算事儿,但是市场的反应并不是这...

Some time ago the Japanese restricted game "Dead or Alive: beach volleyball 3 (Dead or Alive Xtreme 3)" Before entering the Western countries were asked to harmonious game news content on the Internet caused heated debate, because the alleged excessive exposure to female role of is a lack of respect for women's behavior, and even the United Nations has come forward to the "criticism", even though, as players, which are not things, but the market reaction is not it ...

标签: 游戏