新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我叫MT2重要副本外域阵容推荐解析


My name is copy MT2 important outland team recommended resolution

2015-12-09 20:51:26来源: 4399

外域是我叫MT2中一个获得宝石的重要副本,但是外域因为时间的不同开放的副本也不一样,外域的副本分为三种:熔岩之地、邪恶神庙、迷失乐园,迷失乐园是一个只能够使用非人类的英雄的副本,人类角色在这个副本里面无法使用。因此我们需要在满足条件的情况下进行选择来组建通关迷失乐园的阵容。 坦克方面因...

Outlands is one to get the gems in my call MT2 important copy, but because of time different open outland is different also, a copy of the copy of outland are divided into three types: the land of the lava, evil temple, paradise lost, paradise lost is a can only use a copy of the hero of the human, human character can't use in this copy. So we need to meet the conditions to choose to form customs lost paradise. Tanks aspects for...