新关注 > 信息聚合 > 还原3D游戏场景 《兽人必须死》TGC展馆图纸曝光

还原3D游戏场景 《兽人必须死》TGC展馆图纸曝光

The reduction of 3D game scene "orcs must die" TGC Pavilion drawings

2015-11-10 18:36:27来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 TGC2015(腾讯游戏嘉年华)即将到来,《兽人必须死》将参展TGC2015,游戏独立展区图纸今日抢先曝光。从曝光的图纸中可以看到,展馆还原游戏内的经典场景,“城堡”内布置了多种陷阱。 还原游戏经典地图场景 《兽人必须死》独立展区图纸曝光,展馆还原的是游戏中的图兰山要塞...

exposure Sina Sina game news TGC2015 (Tencent carnival games) is coming, "" orcs must die will be exhibiting TGC2015, game independent exhibition drawings today first exposure. From the exposure of the drawings can be seen, the exhibition hall to restore the classic scene of the game, the castle layout a variety of traps. The reduction of the classic game map of the scene "orcs must die" independent exhibition hall drawing exposure, the reduction in the game map of Lanshan fortress...

标签: 游戏