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万圣节狂欢 《街头篮球》新版火热上线

Halloween Carnival "street basketball" version of the fiery on-line

2015-10-22 11:23:37来源: 电玩巴士

10月22日《街头篮球》全新版本“万圣节狂欢 南瓜也要萌萌哒”已经火热上线,万圣节专属活动集材料制南瓜灯兑换奖励,累积消费返还代金券送极品勋章,全新幸运卡特效道具抽抽抽,新增内线强力技能、花式技能以及后援会、10周年等勋章荣誉,高级商城增加果实篮子,更有欢乐送全新改版,让我一起去见证万圣...

10 month 22 "street basketball" new version "Halloween pumpkin to Meng Da has hot line, exclusive Halloween activities set material pumpkin lights award redemption, the cumulative return of vouchers to send the best medal, new lucky card effects props pumping pumping pumping, add inside strong skills, fancy skills as well as the backup, the 10th anniversary of etc. Medal of honor, the mall senior increased fruit basket, more joy send new revision, let me go to the Halloween witness...