新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国民H5武侠游戏《倚天屠龙之大侠归来》今日上线


National H5 knight errant game "Dragon Sword of heroes return" on-line today

2015-10-15 16:56:32来源: 4399

新一代HTML5手机网游《倚天屠龙之大侠归来》于今日正式开启江湖爆爽新篇章。游戏目前已登陆4399 H5游戏平台,无需下载,打开手机浏览器扫描即玩。 在手机中输入:h.4399.com,找到《倚天屠龙之大侠归来》 ,无需下载,点击就能直接开始游戏! 与心怡的女神一起激战江湖,享誉江湖...

a new generation of HTML5 mobile games "Yitian dragon slaying heroes return" today officially opened the rivers and lakes burst cool new chapter. The game has now landed 4399 H5 game platform, no need to download, open the phone browser scan that play. In the mobile phone input: h.4399.com, find the return of the Dragon Sword of heroes, no need to download, click can directly start the game! With satisfying with the statue of fighting arena, renowned lakes...

标签: 游戏 H5