新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西山居确认在Q4推出剑侠世界绿色版


Xishanju confirmed the introduction of the Q4 green version of

2015-10-09 10:58:26来源: 新浪

这个10月注定是不平凡的。10月9日消息,在广大玩家翘首以盼的期待中,备受瞩目的2015西山居神秘端游新作浮出水面,正式爆料名为——《剑侠世界绿色版》(以下简称《剑世绿色版》),并且将于月底开启不删档技术封测,剑侠情缘系列2D新游即将揭开神秘面纱! 据悉,《剑世绿色版》立项于1年前,...

swordsman in the world this October is extraordinary. On October 9, in the expectation of the majority of the players has been waiting for, much attention of 2015 Xishan Ju mysterious end tour new surfaced, formally broke called -- "Jianxia world green edition" (hereinafter referred to as the "sword World Green Edition) and at the end of the open does not delete files packaging and testing technology, JX series of 2D travelogue will unveil its mysterious veil! It is reported that the green version of the sword was established in 1 years ago,...