新关注 > 信息聚合 > 愤怒的小鸟2第250关通关攻略 第250关怎么过

愤怒的小鸟2第250关通关攻略 第250关怎么过

Angry birds 2 250 customs Raiders in the 250 to

2015-10-09 04:00:14来源: 4399

终于,我们又来到了愤怒的小鸟2第250关,不过跟以前不同,第250关不是BOSS关卡,所以我们吊打BOSS的愿望就不能实现了。同时本关难度也不大,只有5个小关卡,小伙伴们应该能轻松通关。下面就一起来看看愤怒的小鸟2第250关是怎么过的吧! >>点击下图观看愤怒的小鸟2第250关通关视频...

finally, we also came to the angry birds 2 250 off, however, unlike the previous, the 250 clearance is not boss levels, so we hanging boss desire cannot be achieved. At the same time, the difficulty is not large, only 5 small points, small partners should be able to easily clearance. Here's a look at the angry birds 250th 2 pass is how it! Click on the picture below to see the angry birds 2 clearance video on 250th...